Links direct to PubMed or journals. Drop us a line if you need a pdf copy.
Manuscripts that are submitted for publication. All links direct to bioRxiv.
Open Data
Links to our databases and the metadata.
Open Software
Our repositories on GitHub
Neuromorphic computing hardware and neural architectures for robotics.
Joshi J, Parker AC, Celikel T.
IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (2013)
Gulsoy M, Celikel T, Kurtkaya O, Sav A, Kurt A, Canbeyli R, Cilesiz IF.
Clinical Lasers and Diagnostics (2001)
Open data

Intracellular electrophysiological mapping of the barrel cortex database
Keywords: whole-cell intracellular recordings, somatic patch-clamp, current-clamp, voltage-clamp, acute brain slices, adult brain, barrel cortex, frozen noise, big data

High speed infrared videography database of sensorimotor exploration during tactile navigation
Keywords: mystacial vibrissae, object localization, goal-directed behavior, mouse, rat, whisking

Transcriptional maps of the barrel cortex in cortical column and layer resolution and their experience dependent plasticity
Keywords: barrel cortex, somatosensory cortex, sensory deprivation, transcriptomics, RNA-sequencing

Proteomics of the barrel cortex in single column and layer resolution, including after induction of experience-dependent plasticity
Keywords: barrel cortex, somatosensory cortex, sensory deprivation, liquid chromatography-mass spectroscopy
Open software
Sensorimotor kit: A Python toolbox for multimodal tracking of human behavior and neural activity (work in progress. The repo will be fully released upon manuscript publication as a preprint).
NETSCOPE MATLAB/OCTAVE toolbox for information theoretical analysis of networks.
NeuralNet-ABC MATLAB/OCTAVE toolbox for brain-wide cellular network analysis using data from Allen Brain Institute.
Cortical representation of touch in silico MATLAB/OCTAVE toolbox to simulate cortical processing of touch in the somatosensory cortex. Also available as a NetPyne model.
ARES MATLAB/OCTAVE toolbox for subcellular analysis of calcium dynamics.
BARRELOMICS An online data analysis and visualization portal for column and cortical layer specific transcriptomics, proteomics, interactomics and more.